Industry Sectors
Our simulation solutions are highly versatile and fully bespoke, they therefore suit a vast array of industries. Here are just a few possible scenarios and examples.

Naval forces all over the world are using bridge simulators to better train personnel in key ship handling and crisis management scenarios. Exercises can be easily setup at a quickly to create a range of real life situations, enabling the crew to develop decision making skills in a practical environment.
WECDIS integration is fundamental to effective military simulation training. Our bridge simulators are able to seamlessly integrate your own WECDIS system, utilising features such as bearing and range position lines, standard 4W grid display, moving havents and all elements necessary to a real life military environment.

The commercial sector has long benefited from in-depth training, essential to crew and passenger safety. Our bridge simulators enable organisations to train in-house and fully bespoke all possible scenarios to their own vessels and routes.
From full bridge simulators to desktop & console simulators, the versatility and practicality of a dedicated virtual training facility enable cost saving and life saving solutions for your company. You can even have your simulator onboard your vessel to allow training on the go, saving time and money.

Ship handling and manoeuvring training is ideally suited to a simulated environment. Allowing tankers to investigate ports both old and new, and rehearsing entering, docking and leaving the port so there are no unforeseen incidents.
Large vessels are no problem with our simulators, whether a 3 screen desktop sim or a full mission bridge, the technology and level of detail is the same across the range. We also provide a bespoke port creation service enabling you to have a full port simulation which hasn’t been completed yet meaning you get ahead of the competition.

Safety is key in all areas of the maritime industry, but possibly none more so than tugs. They confront dangers which can be handled correctly and safely if trained properly in a safe environment; Tug simulators are that environment. As well as safety training, our state of the art software solutions are able to recreate a multitude of possible scenarios in ports all over the world and with a long list of vessels (including fully bespoke vessels)
Tugs are unique vessels, so are tug simulators. To fully create a realistic tug bridge environment requires a near-360° visual field of view and additional tug-specific equipment such as tug chairs and control systems.

Maritime simulators have fast become an essential, integral part of everyday training in Maritime Training establishments. Training is brought to life in real life scenarios and practical exercises, from Bridge team management to rule of the road courses.
“Modern ship bridge simulation provides a cost effective, safe means of raising the professionalism of ship navigating officers and… You can give someone a task that you would never risk with a multi million pound ship,”
– George Ward | Project Support at ECDIS Ltd

Port Authority
Ports are busy, potentially dangerous places. Staff and crew may struggle to conveniently find time to attend training courses for days at a time.
Simulators are the answer… your own simulator training facility can be fully bespoke to allow interaction with yours and any other port in the world. Essential training for pilots can all be achieved in-house, allowing full recreations of every facet of your port.
